

A World in which all Westies live long, healthy lives

Our Mission

The Westie Foundation of America, Inc., (WFA) is a non-profit corporation, recognized by the IRS as a 501(C)(3) organization.  The mission of the Foundation is to:

  • Lead, innovate and advance medical research to benefit the health and quality of life of West Highland White Terriers
  • Lead, guide and advocate on behalf of Westies
  • Develop and communicate to Westie Owners, Westie Breeders, Veterinarians and others who share our challenges

We provide information on how breeders can obtain simple and inexpensive genetic tests for determining carriers of genetic disorders so they can make better informed decisions.  We develop educational materials to help breeders learn to utilize the new diagnostic tools and treatments to breed better dogs and improve the quality of life of their Westies.


"The Spy" by Allison Platt

Our History

The Founders of the Westie Foundation of America were a group of individuals, couples and Westie clubs who had the foresight to get the Foundation off to a strong financial start in 1996 by each contributing a total of at least $2,500 to the WFA over our first five years.  We will always be grateful for their trust and generosity.  The Founders include the following:

Martha Black
James & Betty Boso
Nancy Boston
Sam & Barbara Callaway
Susan Chapman
P E Covington and W G Tucker
Marvin & Sandra Crawford
Dorinda Dew
James & Dawn Diemer
Debra Duncan
Robert & Susan Ernst
Tom & Kay Eyles
David Fishel
Hal & Betty Foster
Daphne Gentry
Angela Gittles
Renee Glover
Barbara Hands
Donna Hegstrom
George & Emi Hooven
Pam & Dana Johnston
Wayne Kompare
Karen Lindberg
John Low MD & Bill Matthews  III MD
Dawn Martin & Patricia Marks
Robert McCaskill DVM
Gene & Gail Miller

Edward & Barbara Omert
Anne Pyle
Marty Replogle
Ann Marie Rose
William & Anne Sanders
Nancy Schoch
Fran & Edward Sheldon
Alice Shepard
Allan & Kim Smith
Ruth Stewart
James & Laura Weese
Ben & Roberta Whitten
Janet Zlatoff-Mirsky


San Francisco Bay WHWTC
WHWTC of California
WHWTC of Grtr Atlanta
WHWTC of Grtr Washington
WHWTC of New England
WHWTC of No. Illinois
WHWTC of No. Ohio
WHWTC of Puget Sound
WHWTC of SE Michigan
WHWTC of Western Penn
William Penn WHWTC


"Final Go Round" by Allison Platt

Financial Disclosure

The WFA meets all the criteria set by the American Institute of Philanthropy for consideration as a recipient of donations:

  • Attains eligibility to receive tax-deductible contributions;
  •  Conducts audits of financial statements;
  •  Submits  Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Form 990 with Schedule A where applicable;
  • Spends 75% or more on programs to be considered a highly efficient charity (the WFA averages over 90% yearly)