Study: a medication called “4MU” for suspected pulmonary fibrosis in Westies
We are looking to recruit dogs with Pulmonary Fibrosis (Westie Lung disease) for a study on a new medicine that we hope will be helpful for our beloved Westies. Please email us if you have an
affected Westie: health@westiefoundation.org. There is NO COST to you for this study.
Inclusion criteria (check to see if your dog could be included in the study):
West Highland White Terriers or mixes with pulmonary fibrosis are eligible to enroll. Suspected clinical signs (symptoms) include exercise intolerance and rapid breathing.
Diagnostic testing prior to enrollment include a physical examination, routine laboratory testing, and chest x-rays or CT scan, that exclude another cause of disease, such as an infection or
heart problems.
Dogs may remain on treatment with any other medications that your primary veterinarian prescribes for your dog, or any supplements/treatments, as long as your dog has been on those
medications for at least 30 days.
Interested? Terrific, let’s connect:
We would love to discuss virtually (Zoom) with you. You can live anywhere for your dog to participate in this study. And there is no cost to you for your dog to participate Just email us and
we can set up the zoom: health@westiefoundation.org
If you r dog is accepted in the study, you will be mailed study medication to give at home during the study, making it simpler for you and your dog to participate.
Things we will ask of you if your dog is included in this study:
Allow the study veterinarian to review your dog’s medical records
Let us know what medicines or over the counter medications or supplements they are taking
Take a video of your dog’s breathing (using your phone)
Fill out a survey about your dog’s breathing
See how far (if at all) your dog can walk in 6 min time.
Give the medicine daily with or without food
Recheck at 1, 2 and 3 months by zoom
If you have blood samples planned at your vet, have a little extra (1 teaspoon) collected for testing.
Thank you for your interest and consideration.