
President's Message

On behalf of the Board of Directors, we welcome you to the official Westie Foundation of America, Inc. (WFA) website.  The website continues to be a trusted source of information for breeders, pet owners, and veterinarians on diseases and health issues that affect the West Highland White Terrier.  As an all-volunteer Board we count on your feedback and support.

According to the American Institute of Philanthropy when making giving decisions, a donor should consider supporting an entity that addresses his most core passion.  It recommends specific, critical guidelines which are listed and compared to the Westie Foundation of America, Inc.'s (WFA) credentials in the table below.

Does the WFA Meet the AIP Guidelines for Giving Decision to a Non-Profit?
  • Attains eligibility to receive tax-deductible contributions:  Yes
  • Conducts audits of financial statements:  Yes
  • Submits Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Form 990 with Schedule A where applicable:  Yes
  • Spends 75% or more on programs to be considered a highly efficient charity:   Yes 

Relative to the last guideline listed in the table above, the WFA actually spent 89% on programs/education in 2020.   We are very proud of our track record of expenditures in support of programs and what has been accomplished.

Once the decision is made for giving to the WFA, please consider the self-fulfillment of regular giving.  Some sources state that it takes 21 days to form a habit; therefore, we can assist you in developing the habit of giving by providing donation reminders throughout the year and streamlining financial transactions.  Some examples include letters of information with mail back envelopes, newsletter articles, and arrangements through PayPal for memorials, honorariums, and frequent donations.  Please remember, we truly value your donation, whether $1 or $10,000.

Please feel free to contact me with feedback or, if I can be of assistance, at president@westiefoundation.org.  Thank you for your continued involvement and support of the WFA, but most of all, for your love of Westies.

Best regards,


Bebe Pinter
Westie Foundation of America, Inc.